Small Animal Services

Preventative Care and Wellness Exams

Every appointment starts with a through physical exam of your pet. Our doctors will spend time to listen to your pet’s heart and lungs as well as look for any abnormalities in your pets mouth, eyes, ears, skin, or abdomen. A complete physical exam is key to detecting any medical issues that may be occurring with your pet. We recommend annual exams for all pets and semi-annual exams for elderly pets.


Your pet's dental healthy is very important to his/her overall well-being. Periodontal disease can lead to complications and infections elsewhere in their body as well as cause significant pain to your pet. We start with a full physical exam and well as oral exam to determine the best treatment plan for your pet. Our staff will use state-of-the-art dental equipment to clean and polish your pet's teeth, and our high speed drill allows for quick and precise removal of any disease or damaged teeth. Owners can't believe how much happier and comfortable their pets are after our dental care!

Geriatric Care

As pets age, their medicals needs often change. We are committed to helping your pet live a long and happy life. We offer many therapeutic options for commons disease processes related to aging such as osteoarthritis, skin disease, and endocrine disorders.


Itchy pets make for unhappy animals and owners. Allergies and skin disease are two of the most common issues we see today and, fortunately, we have many treatments available to help alleviate the itch. We offer a wide range of diagnostics and therapeutics to properly diagnose and treat the cause of your pet's itching. Our veterinarians work closely with referral laboratories to formulate custom immunotherapy (allergy shots) for your pet which allows for less medication to be used and long-term control over allergies.

General Surgery 

We offer routine surgical procedures such as spaying, neutering, and mass removals. We also offer non- routine and emergency surgeries in house. Specialized surgical procedures can be referred to a local clinic where board-certified surgeons will perform the procedure.

Emergency Care

No owner plans on having an emergency but sometimes accidents happen or your pet becomes ill. We offer emergency care and stabilization during business hours as well as working closely with a local ER clinic for pets requiring after-hours care or more intensive care.